Part time bookkeeping jobs near me
Part time bookkeeping jobs near me

part time bookkeeping jobs near me
  1. #Part time bookkeeping jobs near me for free
  2. #Part time bookkeeping jobs near me how to
  3. #Part time bookkeeping jobs near me license
  4. #Part time bookkeeping jobs near me professional

#Part time bookkeeping jobs near me how to

How do I get started? Check out my article on How to Start a Cleaning Business and get all the information you need to start today. How much can I make: This is one of the best weekend jobs “near me” because you could make $1,000 per week working part-time Clean Housesĭo you enjoy cleaning or just know it’s something you wouldn’t mind doing to make extra money? If so, you really should consider doing this because you could make a lot of money. How do I get started? Check out my article How to Sell Printables on Etsy from two women who do this successfully as they show us how to get started and make money. How much can I make: $500-$1,000+ per month I know, because I interviewed two women who are doing this and they are very successful at it. People buy them all the time and most people who create these are not graphic designers.

part time bookkeeping jobs near me

Printables are things like checklists, meal plans, budget trackers, etc. Work on creating a printable and earn money from it over and over again. You can definitely do this on the weekends.

  • Small local businesses – $25 – $200 per image.
  • part time bookkeeping jobs near me

    Senior Portrait Photography – $100-$300 a session.If you do a good job, those same people could turn into paying customers

    #Part time bookkeeping jobs near me for free

    Offer your services for free to friends and family who want to take holiday, newborn, senior, weddings pictures, etc.

    #Part time bookkeeping jobs near me license

    License your photos through stock photography sites like iStock and Shutterstock.

    #Part time bookkeeping jobs near me professional

  • Contact your local real estate agents and offer your services to take professional pictures of their new listings.
  • Post your best work on your social media networks and start your online portfolio on 500px (it’s Free!). Related: See the top two apps to make money from your phone taking pictures here (no previous experience needed).

    part time bookkeeping jobs near me

    How do I get started? Start taking pictures of any and everything, take online classes with skillshare and learn photoshop to polish off your photos and add quality finishes. It is an investment that can pay off significantly. My sister recently purchased the Canon EOS Rebel T6i Body, and she takes AMAZING pictures (she literally has NO experience at ALL), she also purchased the Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM Lens which is a KEY component of taking quality photos. If you’re the family photographer and love taking pictures, you should look into Photography as it is a great side income that could turn into something more. How do I get started? Check out the best online tutoring jobs How much can I make? $10.50 – $60 per hour. The hours are very flexible and you can do this on the weekend or even weekdays. Online tutoring is growing thanks to the advancements in technology, and it’s an excellent remote weekend job if you have teaching experience or knowledge of a specific subject. How do I get started? Check out my interview with Danielle to see how it all works and take her FREE Masterclass to see if this is right for you 11. How much can I make? It varies but Danielle says it’s very feasible to gross $100k+ or more in revenue within 18 months Danielle outsources 100% of the work and only does admin work. It’s called Property Preservation or Repairing Foreclosed Homes. I met Boss Mom Danielle Pierce who is doing this earning over $400,000 a year WHILE homeschooling her 3 kids! Yes, this really is a thing and it can be done on weekends or in your spare time. G et Into Real Estate BUT w/o Selling or Buying Anything If you want to start a blog, I’ve detailed all the steps in my How to Start a WordPress Blog article from scratch! I also mention the most popular niches that make the most money and get the most traffic.ġ0. Now I work VERY part time and I’m making more money than when I was at my corporate job (I was able to leave my job!). I spent a lot of time working on my blog the first year with a full-time job, busy toddler and husband. I’m definitely not and I have my lovely mom review my articles before I post just to have a second pair of eyes. You DO NOT need to be an excellent writer to become a blogger, you just write like you talk. I made $400 in one day just from ads, and I also make a lot of money in Affiliate sales. Here’s a screenshot of my earnings from the other day. When you get a nice amount of people reading your articles it brings in a nice income. I can assure you, I did not write this article today and yet it’s making me money. I make money just for people reading my articles from ads, so if you’re reading this article, thank you :-). Blogging is one of my favorite forms of passive income.

    Part time bookkeeping jobs near me